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More or less common terms and abreviations.

Some are obvious and might seem st00pid, but for those who dont know, it's not easy to know ;o)

AC Armor Class
ack exclamation used to show fear or surprise
add means more mobs are aggroing the team than were expected
adv Adventurer
AE Aegan
aer are, a common spelling error that has become a deliberate part of game speak
afk away from keyboard
aggro the aggression a monster directs towards it's attackers, treatment kits and other devices will not work while a player is aggroed
agi the agility ability
AH Athen Hill, the raised area in the middle of the city of Old Athen, a common meeting place
alpha collection of special attack that in some cases can kill a player/mob within the first few seconds of combat
alt alternate, a character which is not the main character you play
AN Andromeda
Anon A player has chosen to flag themselves as anon(ymous) to not show up if ppl use the /list "location" command.
AO Anarchy Online - Let's hope you knew this one.
AoE area of effect - something which affects a group of mobs/characters within a certain range of the target. Circle Scythe would be an example of an AoE nuke (damage nano), cluster bullets are an AoE special attack, etc.
AR attack rating
ARK Advisor of Rubi-ka. They are here to help you. try /petition to reach a ARK. Not actual workers for FC, they are voulenteers
AS Athen Shire, also aimed shot; a special attack that deals a variable amount of damage, and requires the attacker to be concealed
ATM at the moment. "Nah, no more buffs, full atm" meaning "I'd love that buff, but can't fit it into my NCU right now"
auras, speeches Engineer and Bureaucrat area buffs/debuffs that recycle every 20 seconds, also called speaches
AV Avalon
avatar your avatar is the visual representation of your character you see on screen (example: "I have blond hair in real life but my avatar is brunette")
aye yes

Base list aquired from Terminology List by Angelnova.
Modified for HUGE, inc. by "Stellia".

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