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More or less common terms and abreviations.

Some are obvious and might seem st00pid, but for those who dont know, it's not easy to know ;o)

FA (Full Auto) Empty clip into the target, also first aid skill
FAAK Fall/Falling/Fallen Asleep At Keyboard. Happens when you play AO too late at night without enough cuppas
farming doing something simple and repetitive with little risk to gain something, for example doing easy missions for tokens or killing friends over and over to get a PvP title
FC Funcom
feline grace an often asked for agent's buff that raises agility
FFoK Four Fists of Kali, a powerful MA damage buff
FFS for f**k sake
FoL the MA attack Flower of Life
foreman's the more common name for the Biomare dungeon in Longest Road
FP false profession, an agent nano that while running allows the agent to use nanos from other professions (example: "I'm going FP trader if anyone needs a wrangle")
FPS 1. frames per second, in a 3D game the more FPS the smoother tho motion appears
FPS 2. first person shooter, a type of 3D action game (examples: Doom, Quake, Unreal)
FT the Fair Trade store, there are many Fair Trades but this almost always refers to the one in the center of Tir, a place where clanners gather to look for teams
GA grid armor, a type of armor that fixers can summon and use which boosts their ability to evade attacks at a cost of greatly reduced armor class, grid armor comes in 4 types; GA1, GA2, GA3 and GA4
gank attacking and killing a player far below one's level who has little or no chance of fighting back, although a legitimate tactic in mass combat, when done off the battlefield it is gererally regarded as a cowardly and dishonorable act
GC Galway County
ggp gotta go pee (example: "sorry team, I shouldn't have had that 6th Mountain Dew, ggp again")
gimp character that is weak ("I feel like a gimp! I can't kill anything" or "yo! you're such a gimp!" Generally not a nice thing to call others, so please don't)
gj good job, a nice thing to tell a team mate when they do well (example: "gj mezzing those adds")
GM almost Same as a ARK, but they get Paid. And actually work for FC.
GOC Globe of Clarity. Shoulder item dropped from Tara.
GOF Greater Omni Forest
grats or gratz short for congratulations, commonly used when someone dings or acheives a major milestone (like getting a Yalm or a rare item).
greeter a type of ARK who specializes in welcoming new players
Grid Is a place where all cities and lands meet. There is usually a access point to the "Grid" in Large cities.
grid balls PGCs are sometimes called this because of their icon's appearance of a cluster of interconnected balls
Grid us: Some professions (Docs, Traders, Fixers) have the ability to transport themselves and/or their team from their current location to the grid. Takes a min or two for a Trader or Doc, Fixers can do it instantly at the cost of most of their HP.
GS Galway Shire
GS Group Selector: Certain playfields (such as static dungeons, stores, etc) have a maximum number of players allowed in them at once. When that number is exceeded, a duplicate playfield is created to allow more people. These duplicate playfields are differentiated by group selector numbers. So if a bunch of your guildmates are heading for Smuggler's Den and you see them start saying "GS4 everyone", it means you should make sure you're in group selector 4. You can check what GS you're in by hitting shift-F9.
GSF GridSpace Freedom. Top end Fixer runspeed buff; sometimes applied to all Fixer runspeed buffs.
GTC Greater Tir County
GTG means either good to go (ready)or got to go which can be quite confusing sometimes (example: "Are we gtg? No, sorry, I've gtg")

Base list aquired from Terminology List by Angelnova.
Modified for HUGE, inc. by "Stellia".

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