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More or less common terms and abreviations.

Some are obvious and might seem st00pid, but for those who dont know, it's not easy to know ;o)

ladder when trader's "ladder" their drains it means to cast one drain which gives them enough skills to cast a higher drain and so on
lag I won't attempt to define exactly what constitutes "lag" in a technical sense, but when used in game it refers to when the game stalls, stutters, jerks or slows down for whatever reason
Lag Monster adventurer's Pit Lizzard form is sometimes called this because of it's tendency to cause lag
layers is a buff where u get a screen surrounding u protecting uf from different kinds of dmg type, buffable by NTs end ENFs
LD Link Dead, losing connection to the server. Also, "Link Death", a death attributed to going Link Dead.
Leech: gaining XP without taking part, ie afk in a dungeon while the team kills.
leet elite, meaning a well connected high level player, also the name of an adorable little two-legged mob which anyone who has played the game has no doubt encountered (example: ?)
leet speak a style of chat in games using intentional mispellings and substituting numbers for letters
Lefts: Opposite of rights, but these people are mentally unbalanced. :P
Leveling When you get enough XP, you will reach a new level. This gives you certain advantages, like more IP to spend on skills.
LF Lush Fields
LFM: looking For more, as in a team wants more members
LFT looking For team
little d a dungeon at Sentinels in Mort, the lower level companion to big d
LLTS Low Light Targeting Scope, an item popular for high level PvP that no longer drops in-game and so is very valuable and prized. It increases critical hit chances, but inflicts a penalty to initiatives, also ELLTS for Extreme
LOL Laughing out Loud
lvl level

Base list aquired from Terminology List by Angelnova.
Modified for HUGE, inc. by "Stellia".

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