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More or less common terms and abreviations.

Some are obvious and might seem st00pid, but for those who dont know, it's not easy to know ;o)

M Mort
m8 mate, a friendly thing to call someone (example: "Thanks m8")
MA Martial Artist.
main the main character that you focus on playing, most people have 1 main and a few "alts"
MC matter creations, a nano skill
MCS Mausser Chemical Streamer, a SMG popular with fixers created by converting a Mausser Particle Streamer with tradeskills to chemical damage
MD Mutant Domain
ME the Mechanical Engineering skill
meatshield a defensive tank, a class who can absorb massive damage and whose role it is to pull aggro away from casters and other weaker team members, in AO the enforcer is the primary defensive tank profession
Medsuit, Treatment suit, Treatment gear A set of treatment-raising items used for installing implants, centered on a set of Omni-Med clothing.
meep or m33p exclamation made by fixers before they grid, comes from Roadrunner.. Meep! Meep! Woooosh! Hmm.. Roadrunner was blue too, and dodged everything. AND he ran faster than anything! OMG!
mez mesmerise, the ability to stop a mob fron attacking by putting it into a trance, when the mob is attacked the mez is broken
mez pet a type of pet available to MP's
Miiir a clothing store
MM matter metamorphosis, a nano skill
MMD Meetmedere, a popular hangout for gankers due to the fact players must cross a PvP zone to use the grid entrance
MMORPG Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, term for the type of game that AO is
mob short for mobile object, a programmer's term that refers to roaming monsters and NPC's.
mocham a series of meta physist buffs that raise nano skills
mod moderator. the people that controls boards. Answers questions when they can, make sure we behave nicely on these boards)
Mooch a mocham
MoP, MoD, MoR Mark of Peril, Mark of Danger, Mark of Risk. Critical hit buffs that Martial Artists can cast on others.
Morph One of the nano's from the adventurer's shapeshifting line of nano programs. 3 levels of wolf morphs, 2 of Sabertooth morphs, 3 or reets, and the ultimate: Dragon and/or Pit Lizzard form.
Mort the area around Hope. Confused me to death. There is no Whompa to "Mort".
MP Meta-Physicist.
MPS Mausser Particle Streamer, a so-so SMG which can be converted into a better weapon popular with fixers called a Mausser Chemical Streamer
MQ Mind Quake, the top MP nano.
MRR mass relocation robot, an item used in several tradeskill processes
MT Mistell, but also used for mission terminals. (Meet by MT)
mt not sure what it stands for (mistype?) but used when you type something in one channel you meant to type in another channel. In other words a reply to the wrong person. Unfortunately, I use this one a lot.
MT MisTell
MUHAHAHAH I tend to do this a lot. Big Eeeevil laugh!
Mule Using a specialized character within a certain area to help out one of your other characters. One example is to use IP-points on specialising in making implants, and giving this to another character that is specialised in fighting.
MW Milky Way

Base list aquired from Terminology List by Angelnova.
Modified for HUGE, inc. by "Stellia".

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