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More or less common terms and abreviations.

Some are obvious and might seem st00pid, but for those who dont know, it's not easy to know ;o)

pads shoulderpads, often refers to the pads given as rewards for the popular Dodga quest
paperdoll the doll-like figure in games on which you equip items you are wearing, in AO there is a 3 tab paperdoll with tabs for weapons, clothing and implants
parrot This is the only buff in the game that allows Non-MPs and non-Adventurers to fly without a Yalm. Usefull for getting your poor team somewhere dangerous, or for getting your uber team into Smuggler's Den.
parts this could mean lots of things but often refers to the "suspicious" items which must be gathered from bots and assembled to complete the Dodga quest (example: "I was in Athen Shire hunting bots for parts")
PC player character
peeps people (example: "Hi, what are you peeps up to?"
Pet Player controlled NPC
PF Playfield is also know as PF
PGC Personal Grid Converter, sort of a key, sold in stacks, that allows you to access the grid from your orgs controllers
phixxor fixer
phreak when a fixer warps to the grid, from an old hackers term relating to hacking into the phone system
pillows concrete cushions
pk player killer
plz please
PM Pleasant Meadows
PM psychological modifications, a nano skill
pop when a mob suddenly spawns nearby creating a potentially dangerous situation (example: "careful, pop to the east")
Powerleveling Playing the game with focus on finding the fastest and most efficient way to raise in level.
ppl people
PPPE Programmed Photon Particle Emitter, a rare item used in armor production, found only in certain ql missions used in armor production
PST Please send tell
psy the psychic ability
psych the Psychology skill, sometimes used to refer to the Psychic ability which can be confusing
PT the Pharmacological Technology skill
Pulling Targeting a creature, in order to make it move towards you. Often used in groups. One person is the "puller", and he/her pulls the monster in the direction of the group, who waits [around the corner] to kill the monster.
PvM/PvE: Player versus Monster/Environment. This is when you fight NPC mobs.
PvP Player vs Player combat.
PW Perpetual Wastelands
Pwned an easy victory, usually in PvP or against a boss. If you get pwned, it doesn't mean you're a gimp... it just means you got beat down hard and didn't do much in return.
QA Quality Assurance. The internal department that works with testing the versions before it is put out on the servers.
QL Quality level.
QT the Quantum Force Field Technology skill
QW Quantum Wings, MP's fly on these.

Base list aquired from Terminology List by Angelnova.
Modified for HUGE, inc. by "Stellia".

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